What is the 7th house in astrology
What is the 7th house in astrology

This is why love is so powerful because we see ourselves in a completely different light as reflected back to us by the other person.

what is the 7th house in astrology

Without them, our mirror, we cannot see anymore, either our beauty or our failings. The other person acts as a mirror for our attributes and faults and only through them can we change. The area of the Seventh House allows us to see ourselves through another and in this way refine our character. Besides the comfort and pleasure, what is a relationship for, but to make us grow as individuals and to change hopefully to kinder and better people.

what is the 7th house in astrology

This is the House of Partnerships, it shows the area of life where we relate with another person. In our analogy it is the time our child has grown up and is ready to meet and settle down with another person. It is quite the opposite of the First House which dealt with me and my emergence and needs. It is about relating to the outside world and the other person. The Seventh House is an extension of the seed of the Descendant. It is the point in the chart where the individual and the outside world meet each other. As the Ascendant was our starting point and the emergence of a person or concept, so the Descndant is the opposite, it is the person meeting another or a concept reaching expression in the world. This is the point opposite the Ascendant (See the First House). If you are looking at a circular astrology chart it is the middle point of the arc on the right hand side. This is the Western Horizon of the chart. The Beginning of the Seventh House is the point known as the Descendant.

What is the 7th house in astrology